Articles on: FREELANCE - Customer relationship
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My project has been dragging on for a while and I haven't had any feedback from the client. What can I do?

We know it can be frustrating when a project drags on and you don't get any feedback on your work.
We're here to help. Here's out two-step approach to fix this problem.

🤝 Step 1 - Diplomacy

When you haven't heard from your client for a few days/weeks.

1/ Follow up

Start by sending a message to your client to check on the progress. Ask them when they think they'll be available for a call or to give feedback. Let them know if you have other assignments and might be less available later on.

2/ Let us know

If you don't hear from them after these reminders, reach out to us via the brief chat so that we can make a friendly/direct reminder on our end.

🏌️ Step 2 - Ultimatum

If you still haven't heard back after a few reminders, then it's time to close the project.

1/ Inform your customer that you're going to start invoicing

Warn the client in writing that you're going to have to close the project and send the invoice for the work done (via the website, you know): invoice the number of days actually worked to date. Obviously, depending on your mood, you can tell them that you'll be available if there are any small changes to your work, or not.

2/ Let us know too

Tell us in the brief chat that that you're launching the invoice for this reason. That way we'll know what to say if the client finally wakes up.

Don't hesitate to come back to us if you need help!
That's what we're here for.

Updated on: 08/11/2023