Articles on: FREELANCE - Profile
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How do I complete my profile?

Filling out your profile is a two-step process:

1 Your professional information (profile page)

You fill out all the information that corresponds to your profession (you can even enter multiple professions if you wear multiple hats). This information is important because, except for the introduction paragraph, it is presented to the client when you accept a brief. When we validate your profile following the interview, you can fill out your administrative page.

2 Your administrative information

This is where you can tell us everything about your company and upload your official documents. This part must be filled in for you to be able to accept missions (it is a legal obligation on our part).

You need to be careful with this part because there are several points to respect:
You must upload the documents in PDF format and on a single page (we cannot do it for you, it would not be legal)
Make sure you have entered the correct information (SIRET/IBAN, etc.) and that all fields are filled in (country, address, and billing address)
Sign the Acracy contract

You must save your information at each step.

Updated on: 23/03/2023