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I can't login to the platform

Here are several scenarios that can help you resolve your issue:

You have entered your login credentials, they are correct, but the page keeps loading indefinitely without accessing your online space? Try the following:
Basic solution, but often underestimated, close and restart your browser
Still not working? Try clearing your browser cache
Try logging in with another browser and/or on mobile
If none of these tips work, please contact us and we will take a closer look.

You created your account with the LinkedIn API and you cannot log in
Currently, if you created your account with LinkedIn, you are required to use LinkedIn to log in to the platform (we are working to improve this point).

If you want to dissociate your Acracy account from LinkedIn, it's simple:
Create a new account using the email address you want to use as your login identifier. It can be the same as your email used on LinkedIn.
Validate your email with the unique code.
Validate the account creation until the step where you have chosen and created your profile (without filling in all your information).
Once these steps are completed, send us a message asking us to merge your two existing accounts.
And that's it! You can now log in to your old profile with your new credentials.

You created your account using a regular email address, but you cannot log in:
Make sure you don't have any login errors (your email address used during registration).
If you forget your password, no worries, just click on "forgot password" and with us, there's no need for a secret question about your first pet to reset it.

If you have not found the solution to your problem above, please contact us with as many details as possible and we will get back to you as soon as possible!

Updated on: 23/03/2023