Articles on: FREEELANCE - Billing
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How does billing work?

Let's talk about the real stuff.

📈 So how does billing work with acracy?

- LAUNCH INVOICING AT THE END OF THE PROJECT: at the end of a mission (or at the end of the months, for long ones), on your dashboard, click on "invoice" and fill in the billing information: work dates, number of working days, invoice number and VAT rate (if applicable), your billing reference, and your legal mentions (optional), etc. Do NOT include our commission.
- CHOOSE FAST-TRACK OPTION OR NOT: before confirming your invoice, you can choose whether or not to activate the Fast-Track option, which allows you to receive payment in less than a week for a 3% fee of your invoice amount. If you activate it: you have nothing else to do, just wait for the money. We automatically deduct the 3% from the amount we pay you, and send you an invoice for that 3%, which you can find in the "Invoices" tab of your dashboard.
If you have chosen Auto-Thune, you will receive a payment with the 3% already deducted, and we will send you an invoice directly for that amount. NO NEED to send us payment.
- YOUR INVOICE IS GENERATED: your invoice will be auto-generated by our system. With your invoice number, VAT number, etc., so they can be entered into your accounting. No need to send us yours. You can download it directly from the "Invoices" page of your freelance space to add it to your accounting.
- MONEY: You receive your payment, in less than a week if you have chosen Auto-thune, according to the usual client deadlines otherwise (usually 60 days, we know it's hell).

💼 What if I'm on a long-term mission?

Two options:
- either you have already issued a large quote for all the days to work: in this case, you can launch several invoices for the same mission, at the end of the month or on a date agreed with the client as long as it remains within the number of days estimated.
- or you have issued a quote for a given period but which does not correspond to the entire mission, like the first month: in this case, you must issue a new estimate each month or each time the previous estimate is completed.

The only important thing is to DO NOT click on "close the mission" when you launch an intermediate invoice, as long as it is not the last one.

In any case, if your mission has exceeded the initial number of days, you can launch a quote extension: in the mission's space on your dashboard, click on "Invoice". You can issue a new estimate for a "Quote Extension", indicating the number of additional working days. It will be validated by the client, and you will be able to invoice the extension afterwards.

🚀 Give us your feedback

And we're available if you have any questions!

Updated on: 04/04/2024