Articles on: FREELANCE - Brief & Matching
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What should I put in the "Client message" box?

When you apply to a brief, in addition to indicating the number of days and your day rate in your quote, there's a box where you must write a message for the client.
We know it's intimidating, so here are some tips, examples, suggestions, to avoid the fear of the blank box.

Why is this mandatory?

At the end of 2021, we decided to make this box mandatory for two reasons:
- clients react VERY positively to these messages : it gives them a glimpse of who the person we are presenting is, beyond our loving personalized description, and the traditional Linkedin/portfolio. A good message augments your chances of being selected for an assignment.
- It helps establish communication: we know the experience of a "platform" can be a bit cold, it's the case on both sides, and using this box to react to a brief, show your enthusiasm or raise your questions, is an opportunity to lay a good foundation for the relationship.

How to write a good message for a client?

First thing to know: this message doesn't have to be super long: you don't become a freelancer to write cover letters!

Then, in the one we have seen work, you always find the same elements:

1/ Start with "Hello".

Yeah, sounds obvious, but always a good start.

2/ Motivation

This is an opportunity to explain in one sentence why you are interested in this particular brief:
_"I am very interested in this project: industrial processors are my favorite sector"
"Thank you for this great mission: I really like your brand, and this is exactly the type of work I do with my clients."

3/ References

It works almost EVERY time: the box it's an opportunity to put out, ideally with links (but that's not mandatory), one or two references of similar things (in terms of type of work, sector, style) you've done.
"I did the same type of project for Adidas: LINK"
"Recently, for (DIRECT COMPETITOR), I did a similar type of assignment, here is the methodology I used:"

4/ Availability issues

Yes, the schedule is not always on our side. But if you really like an assignment, and you are the right fit, there is often a way to work around it.
This is the time to specify:
- if you can start at a different date from the brief
I'm booked until XX/XX, but I'm totally available on XX/XX to start working with you!"
- if the work rhythm needs to be adapted: "
"I can start on a 2 days/week schedule until XX/XX, but I will be more available after that"
- if you are available for an interview with the client soon

5/ All kinds of questions

If key things are missing in the brief, if not everything is clear, if you need more information, don't hesitate to mention it, it will lay a good foundation for the next steps:
"I made an estimate of 8 days based on the elements you shared, but this duration can be refined if visual guidelines have already been defined."
"If the animation of this element proves complex, we may need to consider extending work by of a day or two."
I would be happy to chat about the elements you have, so I can suggest a methodology for the project. See you soon!"_

That's it. It sounds complicated, but it can be done in four sentences and make a client happy. Which would be beautiful.

Updated on: 24/03/2023