Articles on: FREEELANCE - Billing
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I didn't charge the correct VAT! / I now have to charge VAT

Ouch, you followed the billing process perfectly fine, everything went smoothly, but suddenly you realize that:
- you now need to invoice VAT and it applies to the invoice you have already issued
- you invoiced the wrong VAT amount (10% instead of 20% for example)
- you charged VAT but did not indicate it on the site
and now it's panic time.

It happens, grab a hot (or cold, or alcoholic, no judgement) drink and follow these simple steps:

1/ Provide all the necessary information in your administrative profile

Do it now or you will forget.

a/ How do I do that?

Simply by indicating your VAT number in the VAT number field and then specifying your VAT rate, easy!

b/ I don't have my number yet!

We have taken this into account. You cannot yet modify your profile, but for the next invoice at the end of the project/month, you can still add a VAT rate without indicating the number.
Remember to update your profile as soon as you have your number!

2/ What about invoices already issued?

Do not cancel them (otherwise it will delay clients' payment deadlines even further).

You will have to send us this little accounting monument called a VAT catch-up invoice to the address

In short, it is a corrective invoice for the first invoice that must:
- indicate "VAT catch-up invoice not invoiced on invoice XXXX" (this is the reference of the invoice in question, which you can find in your "Invoices" space on the site)
- indicate the TOTAL amount of the project, including VAT as if you were invoicing correctly for the first time
- then deduct what has already been invoiced (i.e. the project's net amount)
- to leave only the VAT amount

So for example, you invoiced a project of 1000€ net via the site, and you need to catch up on 20% VAT (i.e. 200€).

Your invoice must contain this information:
VAT catch-up invoice not invoiced on invoice XXXX
Project YYY for ZZ days = 1000€
VAT (20%) = 200€
Already invoiced = -1000€
Amount to pay = 200€

Yes, it's less complicated than it sounds.

Send all this to and hop, let's forget about it and start fresh.

Updated on: 24/03/2023